Friday, June 24, 2011

Jom Sarap!! - Egg Benedict

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi buat sahabat bloggers..

Hari tu, sambil dok terliur tengok masakan dan resepi dekat rumah LOVE, mylady comes through this simple yet delicious recipe,,,Egg Benedict. Since hubby kan suka makan roti bakar and telur setengah masak, why don't i try it out...memang simple betul...yet delicious...tapi, mylady ada wat kesilapan la dalam recipe ni..orang suruh bakar at 180C for 15-20 mins...mylady hentam preheat dulu sebelum bakar..apa lagi..after 20 mins, telur tu bukannya jadi half boiled...jadik 5/6 boiled..huhuhuh..sedih...anyway, taste wise is delicious..should try it again next time, no need to preheat and maybe bakar for 10 mins should be enough. Love..i minta izin C&P this recipe ek..thanks to Zurin@Myresipi for this wonderful recipe

Sebelum scroll tengok gambar mylady punya Egg Benedict, disini ada satu peringatan ye..
  • Roti tu bukan terbakar tau..warna brownish sebab mylady pakai wholegrain fibremeal bread instead of white bread
  • Mylady takde mangkuk rameskin yang cun tuh..since dah terliur tengok recipe ni, hentam jek la mangkuk apa pun (sib baik tak pakai mangkuk pukul telur untuk bahulu)..heehee
  • 3 roti & 3 biji telur dalam satu mangkuk tu, bukan untuk mylady sorang or hubby alone...1 for me, 2 for him...kongsi2..baru romantik..tak gitu??..*alasan menyedapkan hati sebab takde mangkuk rameskin*

EGG BENEDICT by Zurin@Myresipi ( makes 2 )
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 breads ~ discard the sides
  • Freshly cracked blackpepper
  • Some margerine/butter
  • Salt
  1. Grease muffin moulds/ramekins with some margerine/butter.
  2. Apply some margerine/butter on a bread piece. Sprinkle some salt and blackpepper over.
  3. Break an egg on top of the bread. Sprinkle some salt and blackpepper again.
  4. Bake at 180 C for 15-20mins. Ready to serve.


Nuridah Best Blogger Tips

Wah breakfast yg simple tapi menyelerakan....

Mylady Best Blogger Tips

@Nuridah..heheh..betul tu..gris bekas, letak roti, pecah telur, tabur serbuk lada, masuk oven..siap!!..hehe.dapur pun tak kotor..hehehe

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